Bonsai Supplies
Soft-Sided Grow Bags
Grow bags are slowly replacing pond baskets in our growing operation. Why? you ask? Simple: They are less expensive and do a better job growing young bonsai stock. We've used pond baskets for years, but we find that things just grow sooo much better in these plastic fabric bags. Pond baskets were a good choice for growers because roots don't circle around inside them, but the reality is that they still do sometimes, especially on the bottoms. These grow bags don't seem to cause ANY root circling, and they retain slightly more moisture than pond baskets, making watering easier! Give them a try!
Each 1-gallon lot is 10 bags.
Each 3-gallon lot 5 bags.
Note - There are no holes in the bags! We use a single hole punch to make holes for guy wires in these (as pictured.) The bottoms are solid and porous, so no messy soil leaking out of holes.